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>>   Current Staff   << |
The boss... of herself~
Started the Group in January of 2007 after posting about 10 pages of ToS chapter 2 on Gaiaonline. Since then, she has worked hard to keep the group going, even though – at one point, she was the only working member of the group. Miken is a procrastinator, but once she gets going, you can expect a release really soon~
Well, I came to know of Tales series through TotA in 2006. I actually starts with Japanese-Thai translator in 2005. I had been learning Japanese since 2004, and see manga translation as one way of practicing my writing. In around December 2006, shortly after I came to know of the existence of TotA manga, I began to see Tales manga as a challenge to translate. Because if I do it in Thai, I feared that not many people will read it, I decide to do it in English instead. I actually begin with the second chapter of TotA manga, but only up to 5th page then stop. I joined the group shortly after posting my translation of the first chapter of TotA in Tales Central forum. One thing is that, I'm not (at least think that I am not) that good in English. That makes up another goal to my Japanese-English translation: to improve my English. I am kind of like a procrastinator, but not really that bad, since I actually schedule my week plan with about 10-15 hours of manga translation a week. I tends to flow with emotion a lot, so oftentimes, I will just do a little bit of this chapter translation and a little bit of that. AND, sometimes even take in the other project without thinking (it's just my motivation. I mean, manga translation has already becomes one of my hobbies - -") So, nice to meet you all. ^_^
The Indifferent One
A lover of all things Tales, especially TOS, she spends most of her time divided between college, video games, and the computer. Nagi acts as a cleaner and provides many of the Tales of Symphonia manga scans for the group. She is hard working but tends to get burnt out sometimes if she works too hard for long periods of time but will always recover soon after...
Village Idiot
Let’s see… about me, not that much to say. I live in Canada, I’ve been cleaning manga since the beginning of 2007, I love most Tales and .hack// things, I like to play video games, watch anime, read manga, draw, sleep, and clean manga, and I tend to procrastinate a lot (like playing video games when I should be doing my schoolwork… ^^;).
ToI Typesetter
Some title or other...
I hate intros. -_- I was formally known as eragonfanatic92, but changed my name. I'm obsessed with all things Tales, but my favorite is Tales of Symphonia. I occupy myself with playing video games, working on the computer, watching anime, reading or drawing. Once I start typing I won't stop for quite a while. I might disappear from the site but only if my grades fall to a C. I intend to learn Japanese once I get into college, despite the fact that I'm learning about 3 languages right now.
So...I'm an insane "Tales of" fanatic, and have been into the series since first playing ToS and then discovering the Tales Series Forums. My favourite game is Tales of Rebirth (Why is there no manga of it? D: ). I'm told I'm a pretty good artist, and I plan on being a Graphic Illustator. I'll usually draw fanart for friends, but they need to remind me, as I'm side-tracked easily...very easily. I go by many names on the Internet and some examples of my names would be: Zan, Zanscythe, Zandra, and Trixiekittycat. For the most part I am Zan. I'm currently in 12th grade (and procrastinating already >_>). Kaiyashe is my younger sister
ToA Doujin Editor
crazy overworked fangirl
I'm a serious ToA addict, especially of Asch, Jade and Guy. I have played many other Tales games, but ToA is definitely my favorite and its merchandise is a vast majority of my collection. I admit to having no life because where I live is boring. I spend most of my time outside of work and sleeping on my computer either doing something in photoshop, writing some sort of ToA fanficion or distracting myself with forums. Sometimes I watch anime or play video games, but find myself unable to sit still long enough for most console games now.
One part ice cream, two parts awesome!
Carabbit is taking a trip to Antarctica. I'd stay away from any coastal cities, if I were you.
I know where you live...
My love of the Tales series began in 2004 when Symphonia was a baby. My cousin and I played through the game while we were vacationing with our family and I loved it to pieces. Especially Sheena. I lack a PS2 (one of these days...one of these days....) so I can't play Abyss, Eternia, or Legendia, but someday I plan on playing them. Vesperia too. I also played through Phantasia when it came out and loved it a lot. I started learning Japanese very crudely when I was 11. The words I learned were due to being a member of the Inuyasha fandom so I started from there. I mostly teach myself with some help from a tutor when we can afford it. I can speak some things and write in both syllabalries and write a few kanji (still working on that...).
I like Mabo-curry, but Repede's dog food is a close second.
Translator (French -> English)
[coming soon]
[coming soon]
Sufferer of Chronic Sarcasm
I am in all honesty pretty new to the video game scene. Tales of Symphonia was the first RPG that I ever played all the way through. Since then I have been very picky with my video games - only the Tales series seems to do much for me. Oh Symphonia, how you spoiled me... After my trip to Japan in summer of 2009, my Tales collection is missing only very few hard-to-find games. *determined*
I am a very busy sophomore in college, currently with 19 credit hours, two majors (Asian Studies and Environmental Policy/Analysis) and a minor (Peace and Conflict Studies), and administrative positions in two clubs (and hopefully a job eventually). I love science, history, and foreign languages, and I've always been an Honors nerd. I want to help the team in order to practice my French and Japanese and show my love of the Tales series. I hear that I'm hard to get close to, and I am a very serious person. Don't let that bother you. I love to be helpful, and while I may seem harsh when giving advice or sometimes even when joking around, I promise that I mean the best.
>>   MIA/Hiatus   << |
Staff members who are either MIA or have called a hiatus, but have not formally quit.
ToA Doujin Editor
The confused seamstress
I'm Cels, your typical insane seamstress. I'm a theater major, specializing in costume design for film. I first became involved in the scanlation community about three/four years ago, as an editor for MegKF.With a high turnover rate, feel free to use me as the resident pack mule
Yume Hanabi
Doujinshi Translator
Proud owner of the Ultimate Dictionary of Doom
My Tales addiction began with Symphonia, and then continued with Phantasia and Tempest, and then later Abyss, which was especially beautiful. Needless to say, I knew I would love Innocence even before I got it. I can't wait to play the other games in the series! I've been interested in Japan for a long, long time, and went in exchange there, where I bought this amazing Japanese-French-English dictionary <3
It has some kind of touch screen (like the DS xD) where you can write kanji... it saves so much time, it's amazing! I love translating anything, especially when Japanese is one of the two languages involved, and especially Tales stuff. I'll do my best for this project!
Scanner, Typesetter
I flail a lot. XD;
I love the tales series and am an avid doujinshi collecter. I'm particularly fond of ToS and ToA, as, I feel I love those characters most. When I'm not horrendously busy with work and school, I spend a lot of my time drawing, on the computer, reading, and playing video games. I'm rather energetic and love to help when I can and don't mind working for hours on end. :'D
-insert cool-sounding title here-
I could go on and on about where I came from, but let me spare yout lives~! -laughs and sweats- Um, short and sweet: I come from a desert, love hot weather, and love video games! Tales of Symphonia is my fav. Tales of game, and thus, I learned more Japanese to read so many cute and fluffy oyako doujins!!!! -starts to babble on and on endlessly about cuteness fluff- I like to draw, mainly my own original characters, read, write, and just being an over-all lazy person on the internet. -sweats- Multi-tasking, for the win~!
I go by Cylph, and well...I've been taking japanese for almost three years. I love reading manga and translating it, the best way to practice. I love anime manga and videogames, especially final fantasy.
German->English Translator
I suck at introductions...o_o Oh no! It started!!
Nyanto loves learning languages, ever since she moved overseas and learned Dutch she has made it a dream to become a linguist one day. Drawing, AMVs, Videogames, and the Piano are amoung her favorite pass-times [when she isn't at work or hanging out with friends] She also loves meeting new people and helping out in anyway she can.
>>   Former Staff   << |
Kale Katsura
Are you someone's prayer?
Though having disappeared from the group almost one year ago (early 2007), Kale occasionally acts as a phantom cleaner when he feels he can help out (Between college, finding a job, spending time with his fiancee, and thinking up ebil other things). His friends know they can usually count on him in a pinch should the need arise. You can tell who he is, since when ever he appears, his signature sings a single line from a song that he feels reflects when he finally found who he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.
Neela Zero (aka Emp)
Translator (French -> English)
Une folle folle
Neela translated most of Chapter 2 and some of Chapter 4 of Tales of Symphonia for us. Albeit the fact that she never touched a Tales game (*gasp*) she did incredibly well – and usually, the only things we had to do to her translations were to check the terms between the French manga and the translation for the localized version of ToS. Emp has taken 4 years of French (and still taking more) and also has received a 3 on the French AP exam. “WOOOHOOO!"
Quality Checker
Otherwise known as Oden Kaitek, he disappeared from gaiaonline (where everything started) shortly after the our first release. But he's confirmed that he's alive and well~ :D
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