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  Until a745 finishes the proper Contact Us page, you can get in touch by e-mailing me at miken-chan@hotmail.com. Or, just post what you have to say over at our ShoutBox, and we'll get back to you as soon as we have time. Don't forget to include your e-mail if you want a proper reply~!
- miken-chan
So, you want to clicky and email Miken first, hm? Well, here's a FAQ to answer questions that have been asked before.
Q: Where is ToS1? (or xxxx volume/chapter)
A: We're working hard, but please bear in mind that we are people with work. Plus, Chapter 1 of ToS is already done by Eternal
Q: Can you post your RAWs publicly?
A: No, most of the files were given to us personally or granted special permission to use. However, if you can find them for general use on the net (i.e. nagi's ToS scans at the ToS livejournal community) you can most likely use them.
Q: Can I have RAWs given to me privately?
A: As long as you do not distribute to other parties and use it for smaller things, like icons?
Q: Can we use your scans to translate into ___ language?
A: I say you can use anything for use in other languages except the doujin,
which you will have to email me about. Also, please check somewhere like
Daily Manga to make sure no one else is working on the series.
Chances are that we've already let some people use our scans and Miken has lost track of them -- a few
that have permission so far include: Arcanys for French (ToD-DC), Majinken for German (ToS) and I know
at least one each for Portugese and Spanish in ToI. Attention all German teams asking for permission
to scanlate using our releases: Please contact Fei first as not to
go against Majinken's releases
Q: Can I join?
A: Miken prefers to have people with previous experience, but if you're willing to go and learn everything and meet some very picky standards, then you're welcome to apply. Please try to bring some test images too (mangahelpers is a great place for beginners, as is this guide.
Q: Can you release ___ faster?
A: No, we have to tend to our lives when we're not scanlating...we're not robots... -_-""
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